Community Grant Program

The Community Grant Program (CGP) exists to stimulate and assist local non-profit organizations and businesses with community projects, economic development activities, and special events in Lowell.  The objective is to help organizations and agencies undertake activities that would not be considered without special funding. It is specifically designed to provide “seed” funding and invest in activities, projects, and events that have the potential for growth and self-sufficiency.

Program funds are derived from the Lane County Rural Tourism Marketing Program (RTMP) and the City’s share of transient room taxes. These funds are invested back into the community through designated projects and events that will enhance visitor appeal, increase local business activity, and encourage overnight stays.

Eligibility Criteria

The program provides non-profit organizations and businesses resources for the following activities:

Beautification of public property (i.e. benches, bike racks, planters, in public right-of-way)
Tourism promotion and tourism related facilities
Special events


The City of Lowell is interested in funding organizations that demonstrate they have planned their projects with respect to the community’s overall needs. Grant applications should keep in mind that priority is given to projects that:

  • Attract visitors from outside the community
  • Create additional overnight stays within the Lowell area
  • Includes or involves multiple community and tourism partners
  • Leverages additional dollars or resources
  • Self-sustaining, have growth potential, or builds capacity
  • Measurable or attainable Return on Investment (ROI)