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Planning Commission Regular Meeting
Calendar Date:
NOTE POSTED 1/27/23: This note concerns pending land use applications LU 2022 01, LU 2022 04 and LU 2022 05. The three applications are for a zone change, partition and site review for a proposed Dollar General retail store and townhome multiple-family development. The City has received a request from the applicant for a second extension request and to remove the applications from Wednesday night’s Planning Commission agenda. On Wednesday night at 7:00 P.M. the Planning Commission will convene and discuss the applicant’s request for a continuance. If granted, the Planning Commission will open and then immediately continue the hearing to a date certain. If the public hearing is continued this means the applications will come before the Planning Commission at a later date. The actual date and time will be decided on by the Planning Commission Wednesday night. The announcement of the date and time of the continued hearing by the Planning Commission on Wednesday night serves as notice for interested parties.
The Planning Commission reviews long range planning issues, neighborhood planning, and amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and implementing ordinances. The Planning Commission focuses on land use policy issues and makes recommendations to the City Council on such issues, based on criteria outlined in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code.
An option to join the meeting electronically through Zoom Meetings is available. Members of the public are encouraged to listen and participate by PC, tablet, or phone
Topic: Planning Commission Regular Meeting
Time: Feb 1, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 841 3653 8900
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The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Lowell City Hall at 541-937-2157.
Oral testimony may be presented at the hearing or written testimony may be delivered or mailed to the Lowell City Hall located at 107 East Third Street, Lowell, Oregon 97452 or emailed to Henry Hearley, City Planner, at hhearley@lcog.org or to the City Administrator, Jeremy Caudle, admin@ci.lowell.or.us.