Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Project ID: 
Project Type:
Project Status: 
Date Received: 
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Lowell City Hall
107 East Third Street
LOWELL, OR 97452

The Parks and Recreation Master Plan serves as a guide to maintaining, enhancing and creating additional parks, trails and recreation features. The document will include background information, an existing condition assessment and inventory, prioritized capital improvement plan, and an implementation strategy. Additionally, concept plans will be developed for Rolling Rock Park, railroad right-of-way below the Sunridge development, and a multi-use trail from Rolling Rock Park to Lowell State Park. The existing concept plan for Paul Fisher Park will also be integrated into the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

Status Updates

The next Parks and Recreation Master Plan Steering Committee is scheduled for October 18 at 7:00 p.m. The Committee will review and discuss the concept plans for Rolling Rock Park and the railroad right-of-way.

The City hosted a Parks and Recreation Master Plan Steering Committee on October 18. The Committee discussed the concept plans for Rolling Rock Park and the railroad right-of-way. Staff is currently working on scheduling the next Steering Committee meeting, as well as a public meeting to review the concept plans with residents and other stakeholders.