Paul Fisher Park Irrigation System

Project ID: 
Project Type:
Capital Project
Project Status: 
Date Received: 
Friday, November 2, 2018
Paul Fisher Park
107 East Third Street
Lowell, OR 97452

An irrigation system was partially installed in Paul Fisher Park in the early 1990's. Unfortunately, the system was not completed. This project will install a valve assembly, controller, timer, and connect the system to city water. Subsequently, an irrigation contractor will troubleshoot the system and repair or replace any broken transmission lines and sprinkler heads.

Status Updates

Staff met with a contractor on Monday, October 15 to discuss the Paul Fisher Park irrigation repairs and improvements. The contractor provided a quote of $2,180.20 to connect the three existing zones with electric valves, a new 1½ double check backflow device, and a remote timer. The work is currently being scheduled. Once completed, the contractor will troubleshoot the system and identify any needed repairs to the supply lines or sprinkler heads.