Business Organization Report

Project ID: 
Project Type:
Project Status: 
Date Received: 
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Paul Fisher Park
107 East Third Street
Lowell, OR 97452

In the winter of 2018/19, City of Lowell  approached RDI to help explore interest in a local business organization. The City had recently undergone a comprehensive planning process and identified the creation of a local business organization as an economic development strategy to pursue in 2019. RDI focused on the following questions:

  1. Is there sufficient demand among local businesses to justify a business organization?
  2. What needs should a business organization seek to fulfill?

The final report outlines the business engagement process and research, which focused on understanding the level of interest in a business organization, business needs, and how a regional business organization operates. This report also includes some recommendations for the region to move forward.

The project was funded by The Ford Family Foundation ($5,000), RDI ($1,500), and the City of Lowell ($500).